9 February 2022

Great news for motorists as new rules to protect drivers from unfair private PCNs come into force.

Unfairly priced parking tickets issued by private car parks will be eliminated under new rules to be brought in by the government.

Hailed as a ‘much needed step’ by motoring consumer groups, under the new laws, all penalties issued by private car parks will be capped at £50, with a 10-minute grace period applied to motorists before late fines can be issued. All private car parks will have to clearly display pricing, as well as terms and conditions, and motorists are now granted a 5 minute ‘cooling off period’ in which to consider the terms of parking.

Importantly, debt collection fees which are routinely added to private PCNs will be banned, and all motorists are to receive a 50% discount if fines are paid within 14 days, saving individual driver upwards of £70 per PCN incurred.

The Government has stated that it will make the appeals process easier for motorists, and more leniencies must be applied for cases in which a driver has mitigating circumstances.

Read more on the rules around PCNs on the FleetNews website.
