14 March 2023
Tax manifesto updated ahead of budget launch.
A revised ‘Tax and Regulation Manifesto’ has been published by The Association of Fleet Professionals (AFP) ahead of the Budget on the 15th of March.

The AFP’s first manifesto was launched almost two years ago, and now has additional elements including greater support for electric vans and cars, the introduction of a charge point regulator, the support of community charging projects to encourage local charger installation, and tax breaks for hydrogen fuel users.
The manifesto is designed to focus on practical and feasible objectives, meaning small changes and alterations to ensure businesses have the ability to evolve their mobility plans at an effective rate.
The number one request in the 2021 Tax Manifesto created by the AFP was to provide more information about future Benefit-in-Kind taxation. This was agreed upon by the UK Government almost exactly in line with the AFP’s original request.
The AFP continues as a campaigning industry body, and the Tax and Regulation Manifesto is a platform to which its members can encourage positive ideas and develop changes where necessary within the industry.
The document can be downloaded and The AFP are keen for fleets and their managers to be aware of the changes and also have an input to create discussion surrounding effective incentives and greater certainty encompassing industry policy.